Atos | Syntel, Pune: ECEPL’s Waste Management Solution for the IT Giant

With a presence that spreads across 73 and overall annual revenue of more than 12 Billion Euros, Atos|Syntel is Europe’s number one digital transformation provider. Yet, Atos|Syntel, Pune met with a gigantic problem of minimizing and managing waste on their own grounds. Being a bootstrapped IT Services provider the Pune division employs individuals round the clock to ensure continuous delivery of services at all times.

With an employee base of over 1900 employees, daily waste management had become a humongous task. With each employee generating more than 0.12 Kilograms of Organic Waste, the overall estimate of in-house organic waste exceeds 220 Kilograms per day. This made them extremely reliant on local authorities and other waste disposal agents.

With the introduction of new Solid Waste Management rules by the Union Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) in the year 2016, it became evident for Atos|Syntel, Pune to take up new self-reliant practices to cater for the waste management challenges that they faced.

Atos|Syntel, Pune was in need of a new and scalable solution and ECEPL provided the most effective solution by installing the Kwik Composter KC 250. The KC 250 was an ideal choice as it is a fully automatic Bio-Mechanical Composter which can reduce any given food waste to 20-30% of its initial volume.

Since the installation of the KC 250 Composter, Atos|Syntel, Pune was now capable of processing 220 Kilograms of waste per day. This eventually helped Atos reduce their yearly waste production of 88 tonnes of organic waste to a mere 24 tonnes in the very first year. The resultant compost generated has a volume of just 25% of the existing organic waste and is a very good form of manure to be used in farming activities. The compost also is significantly odour-free, economical, and reusable.

To ensure maximum efficiency of the waste composter, the site was fitted with perforated bins that can easily draw out excess moisture from the organic waste products.

The waste is then transferred for further segregation, shredding and composting. To date, Atos|Syntel, Pune has been capable of processing approximately 260 tonnes of waste. Post-installation all the operations and maintenance activities are carried out by ECEPL, we provide 24-hour on-site assistance to ensure ease of operations.

We also provide round-the-clock operation and maintenance support during all kinds of unfavourable situations like calamities, pandemics and more.

Our support staff are equipped with all safety equipment to work during unfavourable conditions. We have also been able to successfully deploy our staff during the Covid-19 Pandemic to ensure continuous delivery of our services.

The initiative not only helped encourage recycling methods but also helped in creating a better way to work in harmony with the environment.

Other key benefits:

  • Atos|Syntel, Pune, currently takes care of all their in-house food waste management needs in complete fulfilment of the Solid Waste Management norms.
  • The company is now independent of all the local vendors for managing and disposing of all the organic waste that gets generated on a daily basis.
  • The employees have provided positive feedback by individually disposing waste into their accurate dry and wet bins making waste segregation a thing of the past.
  • Atos|Syntel, Pune has also been capable of reducing its overall carbon footprint by adding ECEPL waste composters to its goal of becoming a greener company.
  • The company is looked upon as an ideal IT Company due to the involvement of waste composters that are befitting of all the existing governmental and private green society norms.

How can ECEPL help solve similar waste management problems faced by leading IT companies?

We at Earth Care with our expertise in providing sustainable and scalable waste management solutions can take care of all the major and minor waste management problems faced by your company or organization.

We have set a benchmark in the Waste Management industry by not just helping reduce waste but also by making waste reusable and safe for the environment. Overall, we have set up more than 436 waste composting machines that collectively are responsible for filtering through 49 metric tons of waste per day.

Hence, like Atos|Syntel, Pune you too can now feel free to come to join hands with us for creating a greener and cleaner future for all the generations to come.

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