Case Study: ECEPL’s Waste Management Solution

Client: Wistron Infocomm Manufacturing Pvt Ltd

Location: KIADB Industrial Area Kolar

Objective: The objective of providing the KWIK Composter to Wistron Infocomm is to efficiently manage organic waste, reduce environmental impact, comply with regulations, and enhance sustainability practices, promoting a healthier workplace and supporting community and corporate environmental goals.

The Problem

Landfills are a significant environmental problem, emitting large quantities of greenhouse gases like methane, which is over 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide in trapping heat. This accelerates global warming and climate change. The KWIK COMPOSTER offers a sustainable solution by diverting organic waste from landfills and converting it into nutrient-rich compost. This process not only reduces methane emissions but also enriches soil health, promoting sustainable agriculture. Implementing solid waste management through composting is a crucial step towards mitigating climate change and fostering a healthier environment.

The Solution: KC1600

In our operations, we build and design our machines in-house, with particular strength in customizing machines according to customer requirements. We provide all necessary labor (if required) to ensure the machine functions properly. This comprehensive approach ensures optimal performance and customer satisfaction.


Our Patented KWIK COMPOSTER simplifies composting by utilizing advanced “In-vessel composting technology.” Users deposit segregated organic waste along with 20-25% carbonaceous material, such as wood chips, and 0.1% composting culture into the machine. The machine automates mixing, curing, and composting, producing a pleasantly sweet-smelling compost collected at the rear in a bag or bin, which is replaced when full. This technology creates ideal food, water, temperature, and mixing conditions for thermophilic bacteria. These bacteria thrive, generating heat through thermophilic reactions using carbon from sawdust, oxygen from air, and nitrogen from waste. The heat, preserved through insulation, accelerates composting and eliminates pathogens.

Challenges and Solutions

  1. Processing 1000 to 1600 Kg daily- Solution is to install the KWIK Composter 1600 or KC 1600 which processes 1600kg of organic waste daily to produce high-quality compost and completely handles Wistron Infocomm’s daily organic waste production
  2. Agriculture Industry nearby- Kolar is an agricultural hub, being India’s leading producer of Mango Milk and Tomatoes, Organic Waste in landfills from nearby industrial areas significantly impacts the soil quality and other environmental factors including water sources and air quality which directly impact agricultural output in the Kolar region. The solution is the KC1600 which diverts 1600kg of organic waste daily from landfills that not only helps agriculture but also reduces the burden on the environment.

Additional benefits

  1. Employment Generation
  2. Revenue via Compost Sales

Our USPs

  1. 100% segregation not required for composting in KWIK Composters
  2. Fully automatic and easy to use, with minimum waste handling.
  3. In-vessel composting, no external curing required.
  4. Operate as per SOP – No smell, biofilters as an inbuilt accessory
  5. Skilled manpower not required.
  6. State of the Art technology

IOT (Internet of Things)

  • Remote monitoring and control
  • Automatic bin lifters and feeders
  • Automatic shredders
  1. Dual Inlet with and without shredder
  2. Customization to fit customers’ budget and space constraints
  3. Customization in machine and culture powder based on waste type
  4. Compost enhancement kits


Quantitative outcomes:

  1. Waste Reduction: Successfully diverted 10MT of food waste from landfills daily
  2. Cost Savings: Reduced Waste Disposal Costs
  3. Solving 100% of Wistron Infocomm’s daily waste production
  4. Reduce Waste Transport costs
  5. Production of 480 kg of high quality compost for every 1600 kg of Organic Waste which can be used to enrich soil health and support sustainable agriculture

Qualitative Outcomes:

  1. Efficient and sustainable waste disposal
  2. Reduction in use of landfills and open burning
  3. Reduction in production organic waste harmful to the agriculture industry
  4. Less Leachate (Liquid produced by waste materials)- Less soil and water contamination
  5. Onsite disposal of waste


The installation of the KC 1600 successfully diverted 1600kg of organic waste from landfills daily. This reduction reduced methane and CO2 emissions, improved air quality and minimized leachate formation. It reduced waste transportation costs and costs of external collection services while also positively affecting the agricultural hub in Kolar.

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