Earth Care –Composting Culture is a mixture of useful microbes used an environment-friendly microbiology product, comprising of selectively isolated microbial strains that can enhance the decomposition process and convert organic wastes into high value organic manure.
Earth Care –Composting Culture contains lignite, humus powder as solid carrier and mixture of aerobic bacteria originally derived from different sources which utilize only non-living organic matter as a food source.
Earth Care –Composting Culture is a unique combination of mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria, Actinomycetes and composting mold.
Earth Care –Composting Culture is a consortium of aerobic microorganisms specially developed for composting or degrading organic wastes like kitchen waste only.
Earth Care –Composting Culture is an eco-friendly microbial compost starter culture helps to accelerate the organic matter decomposition with increased humidification and in shortened composting time.
•It accelerates the decomposition process in the presence of air to reach a more balanced C: N ratio within 2-3 weeks.
•It accelerates and sustains temperature rise in composting material from 60-70° C.
•Pathogens, pests and weed seeds are totally eliminated by this high-temperature decomposition.
•It has a fast composting period
•It gives high-quality final compost
•It is an excellent soil conditioner
Recommendation of Application
•1gms of Earth Care –Composting Culture per kg of waste / 1 kg is required for 1Ton of Organic Wet Waste.
• Earth Care –Composting Culture powder can be mixed directly with Organic Wet Waste.
•If organic waste is too wet, then add some moisture absorbing materials, if organic waste is too dry then moisten it with water and then add Earth Care –Composting Culture
•Earth Care –Compost Accelerator is effective at the moisture of 55- 60 % and available carbon source at 30 %.
• Earth Care –Composting Culture is loaded with aerobic microbes and needs oxygen to produce energy, grow quickly and Consume more materials.
•Rapid aerobic decomposition occurs only when there is enough oxygen present.
Earth Care –Compost Accelerator is a mixture of useful microbes used as a source of bio-fertilizer which is an environment-friendly microbiology product, comprising selectively isolated microbial strains that can enhance the decomposition process and convert organic wastes into high-value organic manure.
Earth Care –Compost Accelerator contains lignite, calcium carbonate powder as a solid carrier and a mixture of aerobic bacteria originally derived from different sources which utilize only non-living organic matter as a food source.
Earth Care –Compost Accelerator is a unique combination of mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria, Actinomycetes and composting mold.
Earth Care –Compost Accelerator is a consortium of aerobic microorganisms specially developed for composting or degrading organic wastes like kitchen waste, garden waste, cow dung, poultry manure, coir pith, sugarcane
trash, bagasse, slaughterhouse waste and other agricultural wastes.
Earth Care –Compost Accelerator is an eco-friendly microbial compost starter culture that helps to accelerate organic matter decomposition with increased humidification and shortened composting time.
•It accelerates the decomposition process in the presence of air to reach a more balanced C: N ratio within 2-3 weeks.
•It accelerates and sustains temperature rise in composting material from 60-70° C.
•Pathogens, pests and weed seeds are totally eliminated by this high-temperature decomposition.
•It Performs an Odorless process
•It has a fast composting period
•It gives high-quality final compost
•It is an excellent soil conditioner
Recommendation of Application
•1gms of Earth Care –Compost Accelerator per kg of waste / 1 kg is required for 1 ton of Organic Wet Waste.
•Earth Care –Compost Accelerator powder can be mixed directly with Organic Wet Waste.
•If organic waste is too wet, then add some moisture absorbing materials, if organic waste is too dry then moisten with water and then add Earth Care –Compost Accelerator
•Earth Care –Compost Accelerator is effective at moisture of 55- 60 % and available carbon source at 30 % .
•Earth Care –Compost Accelerator is loaded with aerobic microbes and needs oxygen to produce energy, grow quickly and Consume more materials.
•Rapid aerobic decomposition occurs only when there is enough oxygen present.
Earth Care-Bio fertilizer(NPK) is made of effective strains of microorganisms that aid plant growth by interacting with soil in the rhizosphere when seeds or plants are put in the soil.
Earth Care-Bio fertilizer(NPK) provides nutrients to the soil, increasing its fertility.
Earth Care-Bio fertilizer(NPK) provides nutrients by converting ambient nitrogen fixes, phosphorus soluble, and plant growth-promoting chemicals into bio-fertilizers.
Earth Care-Bio fertilizer(NPK) is ready to use live formulates of such beneficial microorganisms which on application to seed, root or soil mobilize the availability of nutrients by their biological activity in particular, and help build up the microflora and in turn the soil health in general.
The use of Earth Care-Bio fertilizer(NPK) in all types of crops will help in safeguarding the soil health and also the quality of crop products.
Earth Care-Bio fertilizer(NPK) increases crop yields and soil health when applied to seeds, seedlings, plants, or soil. It helps to avoid soil erosion and produce capsular polysaccharides.
•It Helps in water holding capacity of soil
•It increases crop yield by 40-45 %.
•It replaces the chemical use of chemical nitrogen and phosphorus by 50 %.
•It stimulates plant growth.
•It helps to activate the soil biologically.
•It restores natural soil fertility.
•It provides protection against drought and some soil-borne diseases
•It is Cost effective.
•It is a supplement to fertilizers.
•It is Eco-friendly (Friendly with nature).
•It reduces the costs towards fertilizers use, especially regarding
nitrogen and phosphorus.
Earth Care-Bio fertilizer Azotobacter is one of the best options to be used as biofertilizer for eco-friendly and sustainable crop production. Owing to its ability to improve plant health through nitrogen fixation, growth hormone production, phosphate solubilization, plant disease management and reclamation of better soil health. The application of Azotobacter spp. can be very beneficial in the
removal of various stresses. Introduction of putative strains is
also carried out to improve the soil’s physical and chemical
Earth Care-Bio fertilizer Azotobacter is a non-symbiotic microbe, its maximum potential to enhance plant productivity can be exhausted by co-inoculating it with some other biofertilizers as compared to its single application. In addition to directly benefitting the plants through enhanced mineral uptake. Moreover, reports of other microorganisms enhancing the plant growth activity of Azotobacter are also available.
Application of Azotobacter results in better yield of cereals like corn, wheat, oat, barley, rice, pearl millet and sorghum, of oil seeds like mustard and sunflower, of vegetable crops like tomato, eggplant, carrot, chillies, onion, potato, beans and sugar
beet, of fruits like mango and sugar cane, of fiber crops like jute and cotton and of trees like oak. Being soil bacteria, the Azotobacter genus synthesizes auxins, cytokines, and GA–like substances, and these growth materials are the primary substances controlling the enhanced growth. These hormonal substances, which originate from the rhizosphere or root surface, affect the growth of the closely associated higher plants. In order to guarantee the high effectiveness of inoculants and microbiological fertilizers it is necessary to find compatible partners, i.e. a particular plant genotype and a particular Azotobacter strain that will form a
good association.
Earth Care-Bio fertilizer Rhizobium is a relatively more effective and widely used biofertilizer. Rhizobium, in association with legumes, fixes atmospheric N. The legumes
and their symbiotic association with the rhizobium bacterium result in the formation of root nodules that fix atmospheric N. Successful nodulation of leguminous crop by rhizobium largely depends on the availability of a compatible stain for a particular legume. Rhizobium population in the soil is dependent on the presence of legumes crops in the field. In the absence of legumes the population of rhizobium in the soil diminishes.
Rhizobium is a vital source of nitrogen to agricultural soils including those in arid regions. They convert dinitrogen into ammonia. Ammonia is toxic in nature. is rapidly absorbed into organic compounds.
Rhizobium is a bacteria that live in symbiotic association with the root nodules of leguminous plants. Fixation of nitrogen cannot be done independently. That is why rhizobium requires a plant host. Nitrogen is one of the most supplied plant nutrients as it is one of the common deficiencies found in soils. Several environmental concerns are raised regarding the supply of nitrogen to the soil.
A symbolic amount of nitrogen remains after the harvesting of grains even though a large amount of nitrogen is removed at the time of harvesting. It is mainly taken into account when there is no usage of nitrogen fertilizers. It is usually
seen in less industrialized countries. Rhizobium nitrogen fixation is an essential process that takes place biologically and it is the initial stage in the
nitrogen cycle. Rhizobium bacteria take care of behavioural factors including
nutrient deficiency, drought stress, salt stress and harmful effects of pesticides and fertilizers that may be unhealthy for the plants in some manner.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-PSB act as the bio fertilizer capable of solubilizing inorganic Phosphorus from insoluble compounds. Solubilization ability of rhizosphere microorganisms are considered to be one of the most important traits associated with plant Phosphorus nutrition. Plant growth may be aided by phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria by increasing the effectiveness of biological nitrogen fixation, producing phytohormones, and increasing the availability of trace metals like zinc and iron. Beneficial bacteria that can solubilize inorganic phosphorus from insoluble substances are known as phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB). However, a considerable amount of soluble inorganic phosphate used as a chemical fertilizer in the soil is quickly immobilized and unavailable to plants.
The use of Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-PSB is a promising approach to improving food production through enhancing agricultural yield as it is better to use an environmentally friendly approach. Phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria may also aid the growth of plants. Increase micronutrients availability to plant from the soil like
Mn, Mg, Fe, Mo, B, Zn and Cu in addition to P2O5. Encourage faster root growth for water and nutrient uptake. produce organic acids like malic, succinic, fumaric, citric, tartaric acid and acetic acid which fasten the P2O5 up take,
maturity and increase yield. Increase resistance towards diseases and drought tolerance due to rapid cell development in the plants.
Compatible to other beneficial microbes with the plant like growth promoting substance. Reduce 25 – 30% phosphatic fertilizer requirement.
The NPK uptake and management can be improved by the use of PSB.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-KMB mobilizes potash from the elementary or mixture of potassium, which can be easily absorbed by the plants. This plays a vital role in the
formation of monoacids and proteins from ammonium ions, which are later absorbed by roots from the soil. Potassium (K) availability in soil is also influenced by microbial activities in the rhizosphere which releases K from the non-exchangeable reserve. These microorganisms are commonly known as potassium-solubilizing bacteria or potassium-dissolving bacteria.
This bacteria mobiles transport of potassium in the soil to the root zone.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-KMB contain bacteria that are capable of solubilizing inorganic Potassium from insoluble compounds and providing it for plant uptake. These microorganisms are commonly known as potassium-solubilizing bacteria or potassium-dissolving bacteria.
1. Mobilizes potash in all types of soil and increases yield of crops by up to 15- 20%.
2. Increases resistance of crops in hot & dry conditions.
3. Improves quality of fruit & grains.
4. Increases sugar contains and size of fruits.
5. Helps in proper photosynthesis.
6. Being an environment-friendly biological fertilizer good alternative to chemical fertilizers.
7. Potassium is one of the three major macronutrients required in agriculture. Although applied in abundance, and indigenously available in some amounts, plants are unable to use it. KMB works in soil converting Potash already available in the soil to a form, which plants are able to use.
8. Application of KMB can significantly reduce the costs of input fertilizer in agriculture.
9. KMB allows for sustained release of Potash in soil for the plant.
10. KMB can be used on all crops
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Azospirillum is best for its nitrogen-fixing and phytohormone production ability. It is one of the very well-studied plants for growth-promoting rhizobacteria, from lab scale to field. None of its species or strains is reported as a human or plant pathogen. It is considered as safest bacteria which can be used as a biofertilizer at the commercial level for several crops, especially cereals or grasses including wheat and rice which are of economic importance to the whole
world. Some of its species are reported for phosphate solubilizing ability and high salt tolerance.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Azospirillum has the ability to colonize the plant roots and fix atmospheric Nitrogen. It synthesizes phytohormones, in particular, indole-3-acetic acid, and is supposed to increase abiotic and biotic stress tolerance capacity thereby assisting in plant growth.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Azospirillum is a bio fertilizer based on nitrogen fixing bacteria.
It helps plants in the intake of atmospheric nitrogen that is essential in the healthy growth of crops.
It aids in reducing the amount of usage of synthetic fertilizer.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Azospirillum helps in improving plant vigor and soil health.
It enhances root propagation by releasing growth promoting hormones.
Increase crop yield by 20-30%.
Replace chemical nitrogen and phosphorus by 25%.
Stimulate plant growth.
Activate the soil biologically.
Restore natural soil fertility.
Provide protection against drought and some soil borne diseases.
Cost effective.
Supplement to fertilizers.
Eco-friendly (Friendly with nature).
Reduces the costs towards fertilizers use, especially regarding nitrogen and phosphorus
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-AMF constitute a group of root obligate biotrophs that exchange mutual benefits with about 80% of plants. They are considered natural bio fertilizers, since they provide the host with water, nutrients, and pathogen protection, in exchange for photosynthetic products. Thus, AMF are primary biotic soil components which, when missing or impoverished, can lead to a less efficient ecosystem functioning. The process of reestablishing the natural level of AMF richness can represent a valid alternative to conventional fertilization practices, with a view to sustainable agriculture. The main strategy that can be adopted to achieve this goal is the direct re-introduction of AMF propagules (inoculum) into a target soil. Are fungal hyphae exclusively colonize the root cortex and form highly branched structures inside the cells, i.e., arbuscules, which are considered the functional site of nutrient exchange.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-AMF allow plants to draw more nutrients and water from the soil. They also increase plant tolerance to different environmental stresses. Moreover, these fungi play a major role in soil aggregation process and stimulate microbial activity.
Produce more vigorous and healthy plants
Increase plant establishment and survival at seeding or transplanting
Increase yields and crop quality
Improve drought tolerance, allowing watering reduction
Enhance flowering and fruiting
Optimize fertilizers use, especially phosphorus
Increase tolerance to soil salinity
Reduce disease occurrence
Contribute to maintaining soil quality and nutrient cycling
Contribute to the control of soil erosion
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Zn solubilizer solubilize zinc through various mechanisms, one of which is acidification. These microbes produce organic acids in soil which sequester the zinc cations and decrease the pH of the nearby soil. Moreover, the anions can also chelate zinc and enhance zinc solubility . Other mechanisms possibly involved in zinc solubilization include the production of siderophores and proton, oxidoreductase systems on cell membranes and chelated ligands . It contains zinc-solubilizing bacteria. Zinc is the most essential
micronutrient because it is a component of various enzyme systems for energy production and growth regulations. Its deficiency causes accountable yield losses. Our product is a complete solution for zinc-deficient soil. This product
contains such microbes which solubilize the zinc in the soil and make it available to the plants, these microbe also secrets some novel zinc molecules which are easily able to enter the plant system and work.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Zn solubilizer specially control the khaira disease in paddy.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Zn solubilizer increase crop yield and the quality of the produce.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Zn solubilizer Improve soil and plant health also improve the physiological activities of plants resulting increase in yield.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Zn solubilizer improve the plant growth and development by colonizing the rhizosphere and by solubilizing complex zinc compounds into simpler ones, thus making zinc available to the plants.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Zn solubilizer solubilize zinc through various mechanisms, one of which is acidification.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Zn solubilizer improves the availability of Zinc in soil & increases the crop yield. Zinc is required for photosynthesis, seed Cereals, millets,
fruits, vegetables, flowers, sugarcane, plantation production and biosynthesis of growth promoting hormones in the plant.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Zn solubilizer effectively mobilizes unavailable zinc ions and make it assailable by plants.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Acetobacter is an obligatory aerobic, nitrogen-fixing bacteria. It can fix atmospheric nitrogen in the roots, stems, and leaves of sugar producing crops like sugarcane, sweet potatoes, and others. It is an acid-producing microbe. It produces growth hormones such as Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) and Gibberellic acid, which promote root proliferation and increase the number of rootlets, resulting in phosphate solubilization and mineral and water uptake. All of these promote cane growth and sugar recovery in the cane
Recommended crops: Mainly Sugarcane, and Wheat, Rice, Teff, Barley, Maize, Corn (Sweet and baby corn), Sorghum, pearl millet, Black and Green Gram, Cicer, Cow Pea, Chick Pea, Groundnut and Soybean, French Bean, Lentil, Cluster Bean, Brinjal, Capsicum, Guards, Fruit trees, Crops and other ornamental plants.
Improves nutrient uptake capacity in soil.
Stimulates activity of beneficial microorganisms.
Contributes to maintain nitrogen concentration in soil.
Increases crop yield.
Fixing atmospheric nitrogen, solubilizing phosphate and breakdown complex organic molecules.
Decomposing organic waste.
Producing plant growth substances.
Highly efficient in fixing atmospheric nitrogen.
Stabilizing C:N ratio of soil.
100% natural and non-toxic to the plant.
Improve texture, structure and water holding capacity of the soil.
Broad action spectrum, work in wide range of saturation and fertility levels.
Easy to use and store with long shelf life.
Increase the crop yield and quality of produce.
Reduce use of chemical nitrogen.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-(PSF) is one of the important groups required for the solubilization of fixed phosphorus in the soil. Phosphorous is a major essential plant nutrient that plays an important role in plant growth and development.
Most of the soils are deficient in phosphorus containing only 0.05% of total phosphorus of which only 0.1% is available to plants . Large amounts of Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-(PSF) are added on a regular basis for maintaining phosphorus
deficiency but the majority of these fertilizers get fixed in the form of calcium salt in calcareous soils and iron and aluminium salts in acidic soils and remain unavailable to the plants. Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-(PSF) have the potential to avail accessible form of phosphorus to plants from both inorganic and organic sources by solubilizing and mineralizing the complex forms respectively. Several strategies for the solubilization of phosphorus are adapted by these organisms.
Provide disease resistance and tolerance to adverse soil and climatic condition.
100% natural and non-toxic to plant.
Fortifies the soil with fungal metabolites.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-(PSF) play a major role in the solubilization and uptake of native and applied phosphorus in the rhizosphere.
It helps to reduce environmental pollution which results from the chemical residues.
Replace chemical phosphorus by 25% in addition to stimulating plant growth.
Recommended Crops: Wheat, Rice, Teff, Barley, Maize,
Sweet and Baby Corn, Sorghum, Pearl Millet, Black and
Green Gram, Cicer, Cow Pea, Chick Pea, Lettuce,
Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, French Bean, Lentil, Cluster
Liquid Bio-Fertilizers
We have all varieties of bio fertilizers in liquid form for easy application through direct irrigation or through drip irrigation. These liquid biofertilizers are solutions of biofertilizers, they contain live and efficient formulates of bacteria, fungi, or blue-green algae either separately or in combination that are capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen, solubilizes phosphorus, and decomposing organic matter, or oxidizing Sulphur. Our liquid biofertilizer provides all the nutrients with the crop needs and costs a little less or equal to the cost of chemical fertilizer to the farmer. The very important thing is it compensates for the depleted organic carbon in its soil.
Earth Care-Bio fertilizer(NPK) is made of effective strains of microorganisms that aid plant growth by interacting with soil in the rhizosphere when seeds or plants are put in the soil.
Earth Care-Bio fertilizer(NPK) provides nutrients to the soil, increasing its fertility.
Earth Care-Bio fertilizer(NPK) provides nutrients by converting ambient nitrogen fixes, phosphorus soluble, and plant growth-promoting chemicals into bio-fertilizers.
Earth Care-Bio fertilizer(NPK) is ready to use live formulates of such beneficial microorganisms which on application to seed, root or soil mobilize the availability of nutrients by their biological activity in particular, and help build up the micro-flora and in turn the soil health in general.
Use of Earth Care-Bio fertilizer(NPK) in all types of crops will help safeguard the soil health and also the quality of crop products.
Earth Care-Bio fertilizer(NPK) increases crop yields and soil health when applied to seeds, seedlings, plants, or soil. It helps to avoid soil erosion and produce capsular polysaccharides.
•It Helps in water holding capacity of soil
•It increases crop yield by 40-45 %.
•It replaces the chemical use of chemical nitrogen and phosphorus by 50 %.
•It stimulates plant growth.
•It helps to activate the soil biologically.
•It restores natural soil fertility.
•It provides protection against drought and some soil-borne diseases
•It is Cost effective.
•It is a supplement to fertilizers.
•It is Eco-friendly (Friendly with nature).
•It reduces the costs towards fertilizers use, especially regarding nitrogen and phosphorus.
Earth Care-Bio fertilizer Azotobacter is one of the best options to be used as a biofertilizer for eco-friendly and sustainable crop production. Owing to its ability to improve plant health through nitrogen fixation, growth hormone production, phosphate solubilization, plant disease management and reclamation of better soil health The application of Azotobacter spp. can be very beneficial in the
removal of various stresses. Introduction of putative strains is also carried out to improve the soil physical and chemical properties.
Earth Care-Bio fertilizer Azotobacter is a non-symbiotic microbe, its maximum potential to enhance plant productivity can be exhausted by co-inoculating it with some other biofertilizers as compared to its single application. In addition to directly benefitting the plants through enhanced mineral uptake. Moreover, reports of other microorganisms enhancing the plant growth activity of Azotobacter are also available.
Application of Azotobacter results in better yield of cereals like corn, wheat, oat, barley, rice, pearl millet and sorghum, of oil seeds like mustard and sunflower, of vegetable crops like tomato, eggplant, carrot, chillies, onion, potato, beans and sugar beet, of fruits like mango and sugar cane, fibre crops like jute and cotton and of trees like oak.
Being soil bacteria, the Azotobacter genus synthesizes auxins, cytokines, and GA–like substances, and these growth materials are the primary substances controlling the enhanced growth.
These hormonal substances, which originate from the rhizosphere or root surface, affect the growth of the closely associated higher plants. In order to guarantee the high effectiveness of inoculants and microbiological fertilizers it is necessary to find compatible partners, i.e. a particular plant genotype and a particular Azotobacter strain that will form a good association.
Earth Care-Bio fertilizer Rhizobium is relatively more effective and widely used bio fertilizer. Rhizobium, in association wit legumes, fixes atmospheric N. The legumes
and their symbiotic association with the rhizobium bacterium result in the formation of root nodules that fix atmospheric N. Successful nodulation of leguminous crop by rhizobium largely depends on the availability of a compatible stain for a particular legume. Rhizobium population in the soil is dependent on the presence of legumes crops in field. In the absence of legumes the population of rhizobium in the soil diminishes. Rhizobium is a vital source of nitrogen to agricultural soils including those in arid regions. They convert dinitrogen into
ammonia. Ammonia, being toxic in nature. is rapidly absorbed into organic compounds.
Rhizobium is the bacteria that live in symbiotic association with the root nodules of the leguminous plants. Fixation of nitrogen cannot be done independently. That is why rhizobium requires a plant host. Nitrogen is one of the most supplied plant nutrients as it is one of the common deficiency found in soils. Several environmental concerns are raised regarding the supply of nitrogen to the soil.
A symbolic amount of nitrogen remains after the harvesting of grains even though a large amount of nitrogen is removed at the time of harvesting. It is mainly taken into account when there is no usage of nitrogen fertilizers. It is usually seen in less industrialized countries. Rhizobium nitrogen fixation is an essential process that
takes place biologically and it is the initial stage in the nitrogen cycle. Rhizobium bacteria take care of behavioral factors including nutrient deficiency, drought stress, salt stress and harmful effects of pesticides and fertilizers that may be unhealthy for the plants in some manner.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-PSB act as the bio fertilizer capable of solubilizing inorganic Phosphorus from insoluble compounds. Solubilization ability of rhizosphere microorganisms is considered to be one of the most important traits associated with plant Phosphorus nutrition. Plant growth may be aided by phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria by increasing the effectiveness of biological nitrogen fixation, producing phytohormones, and increasing the availability of trace metals like zinc and iron. Beneficial bacteria that can solubilize inorganic phosphorus from insoluble substances are known as phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB). However, a considerable amount of soluble inorganic phosphate used as a chemical fertilizer in the soil is quickly immobilized and unavailable to plants.
The use of Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-PSB is a promising approach to improving food production through enhancing agricultural yield as it is better to use an environmentally
friendly approach.
Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria may also aid the growth of plants.
Increase micronutrients availability to plant from the soil like Mn, Mg, Fe, Mo, B, Zn and Cu in addition to P2O5.
Encourage faster root growth for water and nutrient uptake.
produce organic acids like malic, succinic, fumaric, citric, tartaric acid and acetic acid which fasten the P2O5 up take,
maturity and increase yield.
Increase resistance towards diseases and drought tolerance due to rapid cell development in the plants.
Compatible to other beneficial microbes with the plant like growth promoting substance.
Reduce 25 – 30% phosphatic fertilizer requirement.
The NPK uptake and management can be improved by the use of PSB.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-KMB mobilizes potash from the elementary or mixture of potassium, which can be easily absorbed by the plants. This plays a vital role in the
formation of monoacids and proteins from ammonium ions, which are later absorbed by root from the soil.
Potassium (K) availability in soil is also influenced by microbial activities in the rhizosphere which releases K from the non-exchangeable reserve. These microorganisms are commonly known as potassium solubilizing bacteria or potassium dissolving bacteria. This bacteria mobiles transport of potassium in soil to root zone. Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-KMB contain bacteria that are capable of solubilizing inorganic Potassium from insoluble compounds and providing it for plant uptake. These microorganisms are commonly known as potassium solubilizing bacteria or potassium-dissolving bacteria.
1. Mobilizes potash in all types of soil and increases yield of crops up to 15- 20%.
2. Increases resistance of crops in hot & dry condition.
3. Improves quality of fruit & grains.
4. Increases sugar contains and size of fruits.
5. Helps in proper photosynthesis.
6. Being an environment friendly biological fertilizer good alternative for chemical fertilizers.
7. Potassium is one of the three major macronutrients required in agriculture. Although applied in abundance, and indigenously available in some amounts, plants are unable to use it. KMB works in soil converting Potash already available in soil to a form, which plants are able to use.
8. Application of KMB can significantly reduce costs of input fertilizer in agriculture.
9. KMB allows for sustained release of Potash in soil for the plant.
10. KMB can be used on all crops
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Azospirillum is best for its nitrogen-fixing and phytohormone production ability. It is one of very well-studied plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, at lab scale to field. None of its species or strain is reported as human or plant pathogen. It is considered as safest bacteria which can be used as a bio fertilizer at commercial level for several crops, especially cereals or grasses including wheat and rice which are of economic importance for the whole world. Some of its species are reported for phosphatesolubilizing ability and high salt tolerance.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Azospirillum has the ability to colonize the plant roots and fixing atmospheric Nitrogen. It synthesizes phytohormones, in particular, indole-3-acetic acid, and is supposed to increase abiotic and biotic stress tolerance capacity thereby assisting in plant growth.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Azospirillum is a bio fertilizer based on nitrogen fixing bacteria.
It helps plants in the intake of atmospheric nitrogen that is essential in the healthy growth of crops.
It aids in reducing the amount of usage of synthetic fertilizer.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Azospirillum helps in improving plant vigor and soil health.
It enhances root propagation by releasing growth-promoting hormones.
Increase crop yield by 20-30%.
Replace chemical nitrogen and phosphorus by 25%.
Stimulate plant growth.
Activate the soil biologically.
Restore natural soil fertility.
Provide protection against drought and some soil borne diseases.
Cost effective.
Supplement to fertilizers.
Eco-friendly (Friendly with nature).
Reduces the costs towards fertilizers use, especially regarding nitrogen and phosphorus
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-AMF constitute a group of root obligate biotrophs that exchange mutual benefits with about 80% of plants. They are considered natural bio fertilizers, since they provide the host with water, nutrients, and pathogen protection, in exchange for photosynthetic products. Thus, AMF are primary biotic soil components which, when missing or impoverished, can lead to a less efficient ecosystem functioning. The process of reestablishing the natural level of AMF richness can represent a valid alternative to conventional fertilization practices, with a view to sustainable agriculture. The main strategy that can be adopted to achieve this goal is the direct re-introduction of AMF propagules (inoculum) into a target soil. AM fungal hyphae exclusively colonize the root cortex and form highly branched structures inside the cells, i.e., arbuscules, which are considered the functional site of nutrient exchange.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-AMF allow plants to draw more nutrients and water from the soil. They also increase plant tolerance to different environmental stresses. Moreover, these fungi play a major role in soil aggregation process and stimulate microbial activity.
Produce more vigorous and healthy plants
Increase plant establishment and survival at seeding or transplanting
Increase yields and crop quality
Improve drought tolerance, allowing watering reduction
Enhance flowering and fruiting
Optimize fertilizers use, especially phosphorus
Increase tolerance to soil salinity
Reduce disease occurrence
Contribute to maintain soil quality and nutrient cycling
Contribute to control soil erosion
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Zn solubilizer solubilize zinc through various mechanisms, one of which is acidification. These microbes produce organic acids in soil which sequester the zinc cations and decrease the pH of the nearby soil. Moreover, the anions can also chelate zinc and enhance zinc solubility . Other mechanisms possibly involved in zinc solubilization include production of siderophores and proton, oxido-reductive systems on cell membranes and chelated ligands . It contains zinc solubilizing bacteria. Zinc is most essential micronutrient because it is a component of various enzyme systems for energy production and growth regulations. Its deficiency causes accountable yield losses. Our product is
a complete solution for zinc-deficient soil. This product contains such microbes which solubilize the zinc in the soil and make it available to the plants, these microbe also secrets some novel zinc molecules which are easily able to enter in the plant system and work.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Zn solubilizer specially control the khaira disease in paddy.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Zn solubilizer increase crop yield and the quality of the produce.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Zn solubilizer Improve soil and plant health also improve the physiological activities of plants resulting increase in yield.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Zn solubilizer improve the plant growth and development by colonizing the rhizosphere and by solubilizing complex zinc compounds into simpler ones, thus making zinc available to the plants.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Zn solubilizer solubilize zinc through various mechanisms, one of which is acidification.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Zn solubilizer improves the availability of Zinc in soil & increases the crop yield.
Zinc is required for photosynthesis, seed Cereals, millets, fruits, vegetables, flowers, sugarcane, plantation production and biosynthesis of growth promoting hormones in the plant.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Zn solubilizer effectively mobilizes unavailable zinc ions and make it assailable by plants.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-Acetobacter is an obligatory aerobic, nitrogen-fixing bacteria. It can fix atmospheric nitrogen in the roots, stems, and leaves of sugar producing crops like sugarcane, sweet potatoes, and others. It is an acid-producing microbe. It produces growth hormones such as Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) and Gibberellic acid, which promote root proliferation and increase the number of rootlets, resulting in phosphate solubilization and mineral and water uptake. All of these promote cane growth and sugar recovery in the cane
Recommended crops: Mainly Sugarcane, and Wheat, Rice, Teff, Barley, Maize, Corn (Sweet and baby corn), Sorghum, pearl millet, Black and Green Gram, Cicer, Cow Pea, Chick Pea, Groundnut and Soybean, French Bean, Lentil, Cluster Bean, Brinjal, Capsicum, Guards, Fruit trees, Crops and other ornamental plants.
Improves nutrient uptake capacity in soil.
Stimulates activity of beneficial microorganisms.
Contributes to maintain nitrogen concentration in soil.
Increases crop yield.
Fixing atmospheric nitrogen, solubilizing phosphate and breakdown complex organic molecules.
Decomposing organic waste.
Producing plant growth substances.
Highly efficient in fixing atmospheric nitrogen.
Stabilizing C:N ratio of soil.
100% natural and non-toxic to the plant.
Improve texture, structure and water holding capacity of the soil.
Broad action spectrum, work in wide range of saturation and fertility levels.
Easy to use and store with long shelf life.
Increase the crop yield and quality of produce.
Reduce use of chemical nitrogen.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-(PSF) is one of the important groups required for the solubilization of fixed phosphorus in the soil. Phosphorous is a major essential plant nutrient that plays an important role in plant growth and development. Most of the soils are deficient in phosphorus containing only 0.05% of total phosphorus of which only 0.1% is available to plants. Large amounts of Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-(PSF) are added on a regular basis for maintaining the phosphorus deficiency but the majority of these fertilizers get fixed in the form of calcium salt in calcareous soils and iron and aluminium salts in acidic soils and remain unavailable to the plants. Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-(PSF) have the potential to avail accessible form of phosphorus to plants from both inorganic and organic sources by solubilizing and mineralizing the complex forms respectively. Several strategies for the solubilization of phosphorus are adapted by these organisms.
Provide disease resistance and tolerance to adverse soil and climatic condition.
100% natural and non-toxic to plant.
Fortifies the soil with fungal metabolites.
Earth Care-Bio-Fertilizer-(PSF) play a major role in the solubilization and uptake of native and applied phosphorus in the rhizosphere.
It helps to reduce environmental pollution which results from the chemical residues.
Replace chemical phosphorus by 25% in addition to stimulating plant growth.
Recommended Crops: Wheat, Rice, Teff, Barley, Maize, Sweet and Baby Corn, Sorghum, Pearl Millet, Black and Green Gram, Cicer, Cow Pea, Chick Pea, Lettuce, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, French Bean, Lentil, Cluster Bean, Sugarcane, Fruit trees, Crops and Ornamental plants.
Our Earth Care-Vermi Compost is a byproduct of composting in which certain species of earthworms are used to enhance the process of organic waste conversion and produce a better organic fertilizer. It is a mesophilic process utilizing microorganisms and earthworms. Earthworms feeds the organic waste materials and passes it through their digestive system and gives out in a granular form (cocoons) which is known as Vermicompost.
Earth Care-Vermi Compost has a higher nutritious value than any other organic fertilizers i.e. it contains high amounts of N,P,K and other micronutrients required for the optimum performance of the crops. Our Earth Care-Vermi Compost is environmentally friendly and is widely used in agriculture. These organic product contain organic carbon and plant nutrients in appreciable amounts.
Earth Care-Vermi Compost has proven to have a better benefit-cost ratio along better net profits, with a feasible financial viability. It can also increase technical efficiency and productivity in farming, as well as an enhanced plant growth.
Earth Care-Vermi Compost improves the recycling of soil.
Earth Care-Vermi Compost enriches the soil with microbes. In rural areas, the use of Earth Care-Vermi Compost can provide support to the farmer in reduction of cost on chemical fertilizers.
Earth Care-Vermi Compost helps in improving soil texture, aeration and increases water retention capacity.
Earth Care-Vermi Compost acts as a soil conditioner and improves the biological, physical and chemical properties of the soil.
Earth Care-Vermi Compost can be used in organic farming and small scale sustainable farming.
Earth Care-Vermi Compost has several excellent properties and has many advantages when applied to the soil.
Earth Care-Vermi Compost is an excellent nutrient-rich organic fertilizer, which helps plants to grow well and give better yields.
Earth Care-Vermi Compost is rich in organic compounds, to the soil, plays a fundamental role in improving productivity.
Earth Care-Vermi Compost can also be used as a growth regulator as it contains all essential plant nutrients in appropriate proportions. Thus, it is complete and balanced plant food.
Earth Care-Vermi Compost is high in proteins and other essential nutrients. Therefore, it is also used as an alternative in aquaculture feed.
Our Organic manure is usually made from plant or animal waste and enriched with organic source of phosphate. Our Organic manure do not run off as easily and are
associated with soil structure. Organic manure also increases species biodiversity by 30% compared with synthetic fertilizer.
Our phosphate rich organic manure is an ideal soil amendment. When it is applied to the agricultural fields it acts as a field residue. Farmers can use the manure to improve their soil fertility. It gives the overall soil ability and sustainability. Our phosphate rich Manure increases the water holding capacity of the soil. The organic content of the soil can also be improved by applying this manure.
Our organic manure also contains a large number of fibres.
The undigested animal feed, straw, sawdust, or other bedding contains a lot of fibre.
Our Phosphate Rich Organic Manure (PROM) is a type of organic fertilizer can be used as an alternative to chemical based phosphate fertilizers.
Our phosphate rich organic manure improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil and increases crop production.
Our phosphate rich organic manure improves electrical conductivity of soil and enhances the activity of beneficial microorganisms in soil.
Our phosphate rich organic manure also balances the soil pH and helps in humus formation.
Our phosphate rich organic manure is a good source of macronutrients.
Our phosphate rich organic manure can improves soil fertility.
Our phosphate rich organic manure is cost-effective
Our phosphate rich organic manure reduces soil erosion and leaching.
Our phosphate rich organic manure improves the physical properties of the soil and aerates the soil.
Our phosphate rich organic manure improves the water and nutrient holding capacity of the soil.
The crops grown on the land treated with Our phosphate rich organic manure produces healthy crops.
Earth Care-Organic Manure is a complex mixture of many organic nutrient substances. These materials serve as precursors of soil humus.
Our organic manure is the decomposed form of dead plants and animals, which is applied to the soil to increase production. It is a natural form of fertilizer and is cost effective. Our organic manure is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
Our organic manure is highly rich in organic matter and humus and thus improves soil fertility. These are better in the long run and do not cause any pollution. It is a valuable and renewable resource. Our organic manure increases the percentage of organic matter in the soil. The roots of plants using such manures go deep into the soil. These help in the suppression of weeds and the prevention of soil erosion.
Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly
Reduce Fertilizers and Pesticides
These are a good source of macronutrients.
Improves soil fertility.
Reduces soil erosion and leaching.
Improves the physical properties of the soil and aerates the soil.
Improves the water and nutrient holding capacity of the soil.
Increased soil carbon and reduced atmospheric carbon levels
Reduced soil erosion and runoff
Reduced nitrate leaching
Reduced energy demands for natural gas-intensive
nitrogen(N) fertilizers
Our bio-enriched Organic Manure is an eco-friendly microbial organic soil conditioner that supports soil and plant health. Our bio-enriched Organic Manure acts on the plant rhizosphere to create a beneficial environment for meristem root growth. Our bio-enriched Organic Manure allows for enhanced organic mineralization and helps to increase the soil biodiversity. Our bio-enriched Organic Manure decreases water usage and increases water holding capacity, aeration as well as aerobic conditions in the soil which gives better results in germination.
Our bio-enriched Organic Manure is manufactured from biodegradable organic substances, mainly of plant origin, through a controlled accelerated microbial composting process. Our bio-enriched Organic Manure is free from unwanted bacteria/insect eggs, and unwanted plant pathogens.
Our Product increase crop Production and yield, improves soil health, fertility, and structure, creates favourable conditions for healthier plant growth & development and reduce the usage of chemical fertilizers and water. It provides humus, organic matter, micro organisms, major nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Manganese, Calcium, Magnesium etc., is a nitrogen fixing obligate aerobe. Improve the soil structure, air circulation and water retention capacity of the soil.
Retains nutrients and prevents them from leaching away the plant roots.
Increase the yield and quality of field, vegetable, tree and fruit crops.
Improves alkaline and saline/sodic soil.
Helps the growth of the roots by improving the soil structure.
Ultimately, it betters the crop yield by improving soil fertility and soil structure.
Useful for all types of field crops, vegetable crops, orchards, kitchen gardens and flowers.
Ultimately, it betters the crop yield by improving soil fertility and soil structure.
Earth Care-KWIK City Compost is manufactured as per STANDARDS and subsequent amendments thereof. Our Product increase crop Production and yield, improves soil health, fertility, structure, creates favorable conditions for healthier plant growth & development and reduce the usage of chemical fertilizers and water. It provides humus, organic matter, micro organisms, major nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Manganese, Calcium, Magnesium etc. Our KWIK City Compost manufactured from biodegradable organic substances, mainly of plant origin, through controlled accelerated microbial composting process. It is free from unwanted bacteria / insect eggs, unwanted plant pathogens metal and wood pieces etc.
Our KWIK City Compost is a humus rich dark brown to black material with no foul smell and neutral
Benefits :
Extremely useful during all stages of plant growth.
It improves soil health, fertility, structure, creates favorable conditions for healthier plant growth and development and reduces the usage of chemical fertilizers and water.
It provides humus, organic matter, micro organisms, major, secondary and micro nutrients to the growing plants.
Helps the growth of the roots by improving the soil structure.
Useful for all types of field crops, vegetable crops, orchards, kitchen gardens and flowers.
Improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil.
Application :500 – 1000 kg per acre at the time of sowing / planting.1: 1 proportion with chemical /Organic fertilizer through soil application.
It is suitable for application on Cereals, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops, Sugar Crops, Forage Crops, Plantation crops, Vegetables, Fruits, Spices, Flowers, Medicinal crops, Aromatic Crops, Orchards an Ornamentals.
Earth Care-Bio-Active C Source is an eco-friendly microbial organic soil conditioner that supports soil and plant health. Our bio-enriched city compost is manufactured in the form of pellets. Our bio-enriched city compost allows for enhanced organic mineralization and helps to increase the soil biodiversity. Our bio-enriched city compost decreases the water usage and increases water holding capacity, aeration as well as aerobic conditions in the soil which gives better results in germination.
Our bio-enriched city compost manufactured from biodegradable organic substances, mainly of plant origin, through controlled accelerated microbial composting process. Our bio-enriched city compost is free from unwanted bacteria/insect eggs, and unwanted plant pathogens.
Benefits :
Extremely useful during all stages of plant growth.
It improves soil health, fertility, structure, creates favorable conditions for healthier plant growth and development and reduces the usage of chemical fertilizers and water.
It provides humus, organic matter, micro organisms, major, secondary and micro nutrients to the growing plants.
Helps the growth of the roots by improving the soil structure.
Useful for all types of field crops, vegetable crops, orchards, kitchen gardens and flowers.
Improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil.
Application:500 – 1000 kg per acre at the time of sowing /planting.1: 1 proportion with chemical /Organic fertilizer through soil application.
It is suitable for application on Cereals, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops, Sugar Crops, Forage Crops, Plantation crops, Vegetables, Fruits, Spices, Flowers, Medicinal crops, Aromatic Crops, Orchards and Ornamentals.